Enjoy Your job more

…and do better
at it too!

Actionable Guide

Improve the work you already do, using skills you already have.

This is not a book about how to redefine your cosmic purpose or find a mythical new job you’re somehow supposed to enjoy for the rest of your career. Instead, it’s about how to transform your underlying approach to work so any job you do instantly gets better.

Just imagine how it would feel to:

  • avoid frustrating miscommunications

  • speed up slow decision making

  • advance your career faster while enjoying it more along the way.

FREE BONUSES INCLUDED When you buy the book

  • Weekly Planner

    Want to create more space to get your own work done? Use this guide to plan out your week, clarify your priorities and steer clear of distractions.

  • Decision Framework

    Ever feel like you can’t decide or that you get pulled in too many directions trying to make a decision? Use this framework to help you make better decisions, faster.

  • Career Compass

    Want to enjoy your job more, but feel like you’re too busy for that? This toolkit aligns what you love to do with everything you need to get done.

  • …and more!

    10 cheat sheets with tips and tricks for the most common workplace challenges like how to give great feedback, avoid frustrating biases and prioritize your time.

Step 1

Order the book

Get Your bonuses

Step 2

Access your bonuses

Step 3

Put them to work!

  • Weekly planner: more focus

  • Framework: better decisions

  • Career compass: enjoy your day-to-day

  • 10+ cheat sheets: solve common workplace challenges

In this book

You’ll learn specific tactics to…

  • Help you and your team make better decisions faster

  • Avoid frustrating miscommunications

  • Spend more time on what you enjoy about your JoB

You’ll also learn how to…

  • Finish what matters most every single week

  • Deal with imposter Syndrome

  • See opportunities others miss

So you can…

  • Do five days of work in four (without working until midnight)

  • Enjoy your day-to-day work more (without changing jobs)

  • Progress faster (without waiting for a promotion)

proven to improve work


Jason Silver

Jason Silver is a multi-time founder of kids and a multi-time founder of companies. He gets his biggest thrill helping modern employees and their teams unlock a better way to work—surfing is a close second.

He was an early employee at Airbnb and helped build an AI company from the ground up back before AI was the cool thing to do. Today, he advises a startup portfolio valued in the billions on how to build great, lasting companies that people actually enjoy working for.

He’s a sought-after public speaker, instructor, and advisor on how to transform work into one of the biggest drivers of positivity in your life. When he’s not busy helping people solve their hardest workplace challenges, Jason’s kids are busy reminding him just how much of a work in progress he still is too.

Ready to Grow?

Pick up your grass is greener to improve your work today